Nor is it known what the original properties of the item were, but given the current abilities, in its original state it must have been fearsome indeed. It is not known if it was used by Exar Kun, or just uncovered when his temples were destroyed. It appears to be the remains of an even older artifact of unknown origin. The Mantle of the Force is an item assembled by Suvam Tan from pieces found in the ruins of Exar Kun's temples on the fourth moon orbiting Yavin. Additionally, energy focused through the Heart results in a beam of unique clarity and color. Suvam has even begun to wonder if it is a normal crystal at all, for at times it almost seems as if it were alive.Īll known lightsaber crystals seem to have a strange resonance with the Heart of the Guardian, their properties being altered or enhanced when in close proximity to it. Analysis by Suvam Tan has yielded inconclusive results, not being able to identify what mineral it's made of. The Heart of the Guardian appears to be a magnificently shaped lightsaber crystal of unknown composition. The Sith, however, believe it to be an object of their heritage, which will bring the galaxy under their dominion. According to the Jedi, the Heart will appear in a time of greatest turmoil and deliver the galaxy into salvation.

Nothing further is mentioned in any Jedi archive, but both Sith and Jedi whisper their own legends. Though its origins have been lost, the legendary artifact known as the Heart of the Guardian was rumored to have been instrumental in the founding of the guardian order of Jedi.