Like some of the other mods on this list, this mod's armor is built into the world and will be equipped by the Gunners, a faction that perfectly matches the mod's look. Clothing comes in a nice variety of designs, from leather jackets to simple white t-shirts. Equipable armor appears to have been made back er the bombs fell, not before.

From bulletproof vests to simple jackets, L0rd0fWar's work looks sturdy and purpose-built for combat. This mod adds several new sartorial items to the game that match the art of Fallout 4 styling well. With that in mind, this list contains seven of Fallout 4's best armor mods that are definitely worth checking out. A good number of them are simple recolorations of existing armor and a good number of them have a lot of cuts and offer incredibly low resolutions. Of the more than 2,000 Fallout 4 armor mods available at the time of publication, only a small handful of them can be considered really good.